The Chimera's Den
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Hello there, and welcome! This is my personal website that I'll be using as a way to express myself and my interests freely, away from the horrors of social media and the corporate web. It's also an outlet for me to share my creations, such as my art, my characters, and the stories I'm building for them. To put it simply, this site is a projection of my thoughts and who I am as a person onto a screen. As of currently, it is a major work in progress, so many changes will be made down the line. I am very much a beginner when it comes to coding, but I'm doing my best to continue learning and build off of what I already know. Despite my limited knowledge, I hope whoever's reading this can still enjoy their visit regardless. Even if you don't, that's alright with me, because as long as I feel happy and secure within myself doing what I love, then that's all that really matters.
To briefly introduce myself, I'm an eldritch catboygirlthing simply looking to share what he's passionate about with the world and be unapologetically himself. I've always loved the idea of having my own little corner on the web where I can just do whatever I please, without having to worry about the opinions of others, whether that be about me as a person or what I enjoy. I've always felt like an outcast both online and in the real world since people have always found me weird for whatever reason, and it's caused me to feel incredibly scared of being as much of myself as I truly can be. So, this website is basically the solution to this lifelong problem I've had.
If you'd like to read a bit more about who I am, click here.